Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thank you to Sweet Nothings Paper Company

A new customer of mine who recently ordered has shown me a wonderful new view of my shop! I cannot thank her enough for the surprise I found one day in my Etsy Conversations. She had posted me a link to a youtube video of a critique of my shop. I must say that I thought it very insightful and a neat way to see how my packages make it to their destinations and how customers feel when they open the packages and receive their items.

I'm going to reshare this for everyone to view if they wish. :) You can find the video HERE

Thank you SO much Sweet Nothings Paper Company, you have given me a great gift, since really... this would be the only way I could see how things turn out on the other end of mailing! I'm very happy, and hope that someday I can do her a favor as well.

You can also find Sweet Nothings Paper Company on Etsy too HERE

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!